NEW BLOG... again.
words that made my day
I meet Linus, my old teacher and some students from the third year class of John Bauergymnasiet. They came to visit London for their reportage and while they were here, they've got a chance to interview me about my life in London. We talked a lot and it was fun =)
When I was on my way home that freezing evening, I read this on my phone. So sweet. All comments are from my old teachers. I smiled through the whole trip home. <3
HTC Kiss
HTC kiss from phamie on Vimeo.
I don't mind moving back to...
Screw this, I need a break from the big city.

image © Mikki Pham
work hard, play hard
What inspired me at the V&A museum

I have been ask to visit the V&A Museum and choose an item that inspired me, as well as describing the object and the general exhibition at the V&A. Looking back at that point of time, finding an inspiration was not that hard. Everything I observed was more or less inspiring. It could be a piece of garment behind glass-encrusted walls or a strange looking statue that you can’t even describe. However, if I happen to walk pass this strange looking statue somewhere outside, I supposedly wouldn’t even look at it. But, putting all these items on a Museum, it influences me in a way of thinking in depth and from different perspectives. Why does this statue look so strange that it actually looks kind of cool? Who made it and what was the person thinking? Is it functional or is it just a piece of rock that just wasted my time. Moving on, saw a sign that literally took my mind a run. Quickly did I go, through the opening, into the one and only Fashion exhibition at the V&A. This is where I belong, full of colours, patterns, materials, textiles, fabrics etc. All these things form a masterpiece. For example, we have the gorgeous evening dress from Jean Patou and the pair of sequin shoes from Vivienne Westwood and so forth.
Ultimately, I found my inspirational at the Fashion exhibition. A dress designed by Alexander McQueen for his last Spring/Summer collection. A detailed dress, that gave me an intense imagination, that touched my emotions and that set my creative thinking in action. The colours and the patterns go so well together in that dress and it just acknowledging what a master Alexander McQueen is. Moreover, what is the most interesting in this part is the futuristic vision. I couldn’t help but thinking how the future would look like when I saw that dress. Not only the future in general but it also gave me an innovative vision of fashion. Compare to the other items at the fashion exhibition, Alexander McQueen’s dress, according to me, is the future, whilst the other clothing were from different time line but they still inspires and influences a lot in our present time.
At last, I actually achieved an outcome out of the exhibition. I have learned a lot more about different fashion designer and how they work in different ways. I thought this assessment gave me a meaningful and useful experience and I now feel that I want to see more, learn more and know more.
Here's another dress designed by Franco Moschino. Pretty innovative huh?
And here's something out of fashion. It's a "hide and seek" board made by Hiroko Matsushita. Cute isn't it?
Helen's outfit of today

Coat/CHRISTIAN DIOR, scarf/BURBERRY and a cute beanie
I'm not kidding, this kid wear more fashionable clothes than I do. Isn't she cute in her outfit? I bet she could do kid modelling. hmm.. I wonder what her mom would say about it.
My outfit last saturday night

For saturday night out, I wore a top/TOPSHOP, skirt/CHINA, heels/ZARA, bag/MINELLI RENATO, belt/VINTAGE
I'll tell you guys about the oriental party later. But it was definitely one of my best night out.
Horoscope of today
Let your home be the center of your world today and throughout tomorrow too. Leo, You always have the fiery need to be the center of what's happening, and to enjoy whatever excitement is within your midst. But that doesn't mean you have to get out and about to seek the fun and sense of discovery that you crave. You happen to be a consummate host, so there's no reason you can't invite a few of your funniest, most inspiring friends or relatives over for a cozy dinner tonight or brunch tomorrow.
This is so true. I need to cut down on clubbin or other sort of outdoor excitement that include drinking. I've been out almost every weekend now and sometimes even gone out on a weekday. Too bad, I can't listen to my horoscope today because I got an invitation of an oriental(asian) club to attend tonight. My first oriental party here so I have to try it out.
Sorry, not this time my dear Horoscope.
family comes first no matter what

My beloved dad, who means the whole world to me.

image © Mikki Pham
a good day

Helen tiptoe into my room, brought snacks with her this time.

then suddenly there was nothing left..

and she was clearly not happy about it.

image © Mikki Pham
My favorite garment of the year
The price is around £90, a bit expensive but I thought of it as a good investment since I'm willing to keep it for the rest of my life. Also I got discount so it was totally worth it!
You can find these capes here. They are offering it in different colors as well! Now I can't help but want the black one too lol.

Can't help but looking through my holiday pictures

Hong Kong, and that's me. This picture makes me think how much time has changed in such short time. From being that small town girl to a big city girl. How innocent I was back then, how I saw life differently back then and now all that has changed. It's not negative, nor positive. It's just my way of living my life.
nine ladybugs

image © Mikki Pham